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Posted by dancingqueen1
12/12/2012  7:11:00 AM
I would like to inquire if there is much of a difference between the American
and Fred Astaire. I don't mind personally I think he was wonderful but for a
comp they are not correct?
Posted by belleofyourball
12/12/2012  9:50:00 AM
When I danced there...many years ago they were not using a sanctioned syllabus that would allow you to take the moves to an independent comp I know when I left they were talking about changing to more traditional styles but I'm not sure how traditional and I don't believe that they did align themselves to a regular syllabus.

You can do the inhouse comps with success and I know that I have seen ladies from Fred Astaire at big comps like Ohio Star and Emerald and Millenium...but not many and most of their professional partners did not learn to dance at Fred in the first place. Fred Astaire has any number of dancers from other countries that they import over to increase their talent pool, which isn't a bad thing. So chances are you aren't going to have a real skilled dancer unless they speak with an accent....probably European in origin. Secondarily you are going to have to pay so much money to get to that level that it might blow your mind....

So if you want to check if your instructor knows a series of syllabus steps...go to the web page of a comp you want to attend. Find the set of legal steps for your style and level. Print them out...take them to your instructor and ask them to dance them for you and explain them to you....right then. Not tomorrow, not on your next lesson, not after he or she asks the boss. They should make no excuses...dance them, understand them on at least 90% of the steps. If they don't know them right then...they can't really teach them to you in a way that will allow you to succeed at a real competition.

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